Mount Hira Learn Surah Yasin, Yaseen

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why farmville?

Humankind are inclined to love the things mentioned above by GOD, and GOD knows it, verily He was the One who created us, he knows well His creation. Farmville as we know consist of the following things *Land, * Horses, *Cattle, *Golds and Silvers (the virtual money in the game) and many other things, which are stated above in the Qur'an Chapter 3*Al-Imran Verse 14.
These love towards *Land, * Horses, *Cattle, *Golds and Silvers (the virtual money in the game), are being simulated virtually in farmville, thus causing pleasure to the one playing the game therefore making them have many players and thus making them best social application and the most popular game on the web. Don't be surprised, verily the Qur'an is a Book from God and God did spoke the Truth. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest!

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